Fox 4 Airport Art Preview
This previews is in alphabetical order, so my work is at the end. Click here to see the article. Screenshot
KCI New International Airport Wall Artists Selected I am honored to be one of the 19 artists with my proposal "I Spy Carry-On" - a set of three images. The project and its playful title are…
Blooming Planters
Installing the Blooming Planters - a semi-permanent art installation in Manhattan. KS. Mobile studio "Home-grown" assistant. They are going up, one by one.
Art, Undone!
Art in the Park 2016 concluded on October 7. What took three days to install came off in 30 minutes.
Art in the Loop 2016 –
Overview of this year's Art in the Loop Projects.
Hopscotch – Installation Day 2 – Finished
Finally we got all the prints in and tucked into the grooves. This was probably the most challenging installation, physically and technically, that I have ever done. The wind and…
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